For the Christian, there can be no greater occupation than to meditate upon the glories of Christ the Lord. This devotional book considers the glories of the Lord Jesus Christ, as revealed in His first and second advents. It covers every aspect of His Person and work: His incarnation until He hands over the kingdom to the Father. It directs the attention of our souls not just to events past and future, but to the One Who is the centre of these events and Who gives them purpose and meaning. Careful consideration of the contents of this book will open the mind to the truth of Scripture concerning the Lord Jesus, and challenge our hearts as to our devotion to Him. It will spiritually enrich the reader and draw forth worship and praise to the One Who is worthy.
About the author:
Frank McConnell
was born in Oldham, Lancashire. He was saved at the age of 15 and, after a successful career in business, was commended to the Lord's work in 1952. Shortly afterwards he moved with his family to Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe), from where he travelled widely ministering the Word of God throughout central and southern Africa. His final years were spent in the Western Cape, South Africa, where he was widely used in the ministry of the Word of God.
Book Reviews:
Christ the Lord - By Frank McConnell
The book's sub-title, Surveying the Glories of the Saviour, aptly describes what Frank McConnell achieves. It is a survey rather than an exhaustive exposition. However, in its survey it is filled with nuggets of pure gold, which if followed in personal study will draw the reader into a deeper understanding and appreciation of the glories of Christ. The author commences with the Saviour's incarnation and follows His experience in humanity right to climax of the Millennial kingdom, when the Saviour will hand over the kingdom to the Father.
For readers who like alliterated headings as memory aids, this book will be a particular delight. Readers will find their heart rising in worship, in response to the teaching of the glorious Saviour from the able pen of this author.
Frank McConnell, originally from England, laboured as a teacher of the Word of God among assemblies in Southern Africa, spending his former years in Zimbabwe and his latter years in the Western Cape, where I knew him personally and enjoyed many discussions with him on the Scriptures before he passed away in the early 1980s.
The devotional sweetness and exegetical clarity makes this book pleasant and profitable reading for all age groups.
Reviewed by Walter A. Boyd
The book's sub-title, Surveying the Glories of the Saviour, aptly describes what Frank McConnell achieves. It is a survey rather than an exhaustive exposition. However, in its survey it is filled with nuggets of pure gold, which if followed in personal study will draw the reader into a deeper understanding and appreciation of the glories of Christ. The author commences with the Saviour's incarnation and follows His experience in humanity right to climax of the Millennial kingdom, when the Saviour will hand over the kingdom to the Father.
For readers who like alliterated headings as memory aids, this book will be a particular delight. Readers will find their heart rising in worship, in response to the teaching of the glorious Saviour from the able pen of this author.
Frank McConnell, originally from England, laboured as a teacher of the Word of God among assemblies in Southern Africa, spending his former years in Zimbabwe and his latter years in the Western Cape, where I knew him personally and enjoyed many discussions with him on the Scriptures before he passed away in the early 1980s.
The devotional sweetness and exegetical clarity makes this book pleasant and profitable reading for all age groups.
Reviewed by Walter A. Boyd
Christ the Lord - By Frank McConnell
Divine purpose centres in the Son of God. The most helpful and assuring biblical studies that I have ever done are those that concern the Person and work of Christ. I would encourage every believer to engage with God’s Word to learn more of the Saviour, and one could do worse than to start by reading this book. The author covers truth relating to our Lord’s incarnation, life, death, resurrection, glories, return, and righteous reign.
The author is lucid and compact in his writing, and every page is full of interest. Many of the areas of truth covered are well known among the people of God but there is a refreshing directness of approach with simplicity of language and expression, which combine to make it a joy to read. In a work of this size it would be clearly impossible for there to be a detailed exposition of every facet of truth relating to the Lord Jesus, but where detail might be absent the reader will find things that are mentioned or hinted at which serve to whet the appetite for further personal study.
There is a welcome reaffirma-tion of such truth as the sinlessness of the Lord Jesus in His birth, life and death; of the God glorifying nature of His lowly path of service; of the accomplishment of the work of redemption at the cross; of His resurrection and present exaltation at the right hand of God; of the unique character of this Church age, with Christ being the risen Head in heaven; and of the glorious future, when Divine purpose relative to the Son of God and this earth will culminate in the literal millennial reign of our Lord Jesus Christ.
If the work of the Holy Spirit in this present age involves glorifying the Lord Jesus we may be sure that the author was filled with the Spirit in writing this little volume, which speaks so well of the Saviour. It is highly recommended.
Reviewed by Ian Jackson
Divine purpose centres in the Son of God. The most helpful and assuring biblical studies that I have ever done are those that concern the Person and work of Christ. I would encourage every believer to engage with God’s Word to learn more of the Saviour, and one could do worse than to start by reading this book. The author covers truth relating to our Lord’s incarnation, life, death, resurrection, glories, return, and righteous reign.
The author is lucid and compact in his writing, and every page is full of interest. Many of the areas of truth covered are well known among the people of God but there is a refreshing directness of approach with simplicity of language and expression, which combine to make it a joy to read. In a work of this size it would be clearly impossible for there to be a detailed exposition of every facet of truth relating to the Lord Jesus, but where detail might be absent the reader will find things that are mentioned or hinted at which serve to whet the appetite for further personal study.
There is a welcome reaffirma-tion of such truth as the sinlessness of the Lord Jesus in His birth, life and death; of the God glorifying nature of His lowly path of service; of the accomplishment of the work of redemption at the cross; of His resurrection and present exaltation at the right hand of God; of the unique character of this Church age, with Christ being the risen Head in heaven; and of the glorious future, when Divine purpose relative to the Son of God and this earth will culminate in the literal millennial reign of our Lord Jesus Christ.
If the work of the Holy Spirit in this present age involves glorifying the Lord Jesus we may be sure that the author was filled with the Spirit in writing this little volume, which speaks so well of the Saviour. It is highly recommended.
Reviewed by Ian Jackson
Christ the Lord - By Frank McConnell
Paperback, 254 pages.
This book was originally published in 1971. It is an excellent devotional book of the same style and quality as H. C. Hewlett’s The Glories of our Lord. The tone of both is warm and devotional. Both can be highly recommended, and may be read and re-read with profit.
The writer begins with the Incarnation, works through the Lord’s life, proceeds to His glories, and finishes with His triumphant reign. Each chapter usually has three to five sub-headings; e.g., chapter 4 ‘The Character of the Lowly Servant’ has: ‘the manner of the ministry’; ‘the ministry of the Spirit’; ‘the ministry of deeds’; ‘the ministry of words’; and ‘a rejected ministry’. This breakdown of the material is very helpful. Satan’s temptation of the Lord is soundly interpreted, the distinction between temptation and testing is clearly set forth, and its practical application for us is very helpfully expounded. The comparison between the Lord’s baptism and ours is also finely done. He carefully examines some key verses, such as John chapter 10 verse 30 and Matthew chapter 27 verse 46; indeed, the writer ranges over all the scriptures, finding the most relevant verses for his meditation on his glorious theme. The writer gives full weight not only to the deity of the Lord Jesus, including His eternal Sonship, but also equal weight to His humanity, including His mental development, and the succour and strength He found in prayer. This balance is a particularly notable feature of the book and one the reviewer finds to be rather rare.
The author considers the Lord’s return, and we have exposition of parts of 1 Thessalonians and Revelation; here the tone becomes less devotional and the approach more interpretative (e.g., when will the Old Testament saints be raised?); three chapters tend towards this approach out of sixteen in total. Inevitably an odd sentence may cause a dissenting response, though not from everyone, such as ‘the blood of the sacrifice (of Christ) has been sprinkled on the gold of the throne (in heaven)’. However, the chapters entitled ‘The Revelation of the Conqueror’ and ‘The Righteous Rule of the King’, which conclude the book, are some of the best.
The publishers have done us a service by reprinting this book and produced a fine foreword. However, I would suggest that when reprinted the print should be bolder.
Credits: Review by Bryan Charles - Precious Seed
Paperback, 254 pages.
This book was originally published in 1971. It is an excellent devotional book of the same style and quality as H. C. Hewlett’s The Glories of our Lord. The tone of both is warm and devotional. Both can be highly recommended, and may be read and re-read with profit.
The writer begins with the Incarnation, works through the Lord’s life, proceeds to His glories, and finishes with His triumphant reign. Each chapter usually has three to five sub-headings; e.g., chapter 4 ‘The Character of the Lowly Servant’ has: ‘the manner of the ministry’; ‘the ministry of the Spirit’; ‘the ministry of deeds’; ‘the ministry of words’; and ‘a rejected ministry’. This breakdown of the material is very helpful. Satan’s temptation of the Lord is soundly interpreted, the distinction between temptation and testing is clearly set forth, and its practical application for us is very helpfully expounded. The comparison between the Lord’s baptism and ours is also finely done. He carefully examines some key verses, such as John chapter 10 verse 30 and Matthew chapter 27 verse 46; indeed, the writer ranges over all the scriptures, finding the most relevant verses for his meditation on his glorious theme. The writer gives full weight not only to the deity of the Lord Jesus, including His eternal Sonship, but also equal weight to His humanity, including His mental development, and the succour and strength He found in prayer. This balance is a particularly notable feature of the book and one the reviewer finds to be rather rare.
The author considers the Lord’s return, and we have exposition of parts of 1 Thessalonians and Revelation; here the tone becomes less devotional and the approach more interpretative (e.g., when will the Old Testament saints be raised?); three chapters tend towards this approach out of sixteen in total. Inevitably an odd sentence may cause a dissenting response, though not from everyone, such as ‘the blood of the sacrifice (of Christ) has been sprinkled on the gold of the throne (in heaven)’. However, the chapters entitled ‘The Revelation of the Conqueror’ and ‘The Righteous Rule of the King’, which conclude the book, are some of the best.
The publishers have done us a service by reprinting this book and produced a fine foreword. However, I would suggest that when reprinted the print should be bolder.
Credits: Review by Bryan Charles - Precious Seed
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