Heartbeats - Clark Logan - Scripture Teaching Library Ltd
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Heartbeats by Clark Logan



A divine challenge comes to all of us from Scripture: 'Give me thine heart'. When the Lord has captured our hearts, He is in full control of our affections, reason, and will. But the reality is that sometimes our hearts are not in a healthy spiritual condition, and need to be revived by a fresh revelation from God's Word to our souls. This is the central aim of this book. It contains a variety of truth to challenge us to greater heights of spiritual endeavour, to confirm and ground us in the things we believe, to change us to become more like Christ, to correct us where we have gone astray, and to comfort and encourage us on the way home to heaven. All of these matters have at one time or another touched the author's heart, and they now represent a burden of pastoral care for God's people.
About the author:

Clark Logan

grew up in Dundonald, Belfast, where he trusted Christ as a boy of seven. After qualifying in medicine, he and his wife, Hazel, left Northern Ireland in 1982 to serve the Lord in Botswana. They presently live in the village of Tlokweng and continue to reach out with the gospel to both young and old. He is the author of a number of works in the Setswana language including a Bible dictionary. He has also written Life's Greatest Quest and Christianity in Action (both published by John Ritchie).

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