A firm grasp of the truth of Scripture is not an optional element of the Christian life. Rather, it is essential for the believer to know what the Bible teaches. And the only way to know what the Bible teaches is to study it - carefully, prayerfully, and diligently. This book is directed at Christians who are just beginning to study Scripture for themselves. Anstey outlines the importance of Scripture - which he describes as 'a complete, a final, and an exhaustive revelation of the will of God to men'. He stresses the importance of Bible study, of investing time and effort in getting to know the Bible. In a series of helpful chapters, he outlines seven methods of Bible study. This helpful book will be of value to anyone who is serious about hearing God speak through His inspired Word.
About the author:
Martin Anstey
Book Reviews:
Paperback, 138 pages.
This is a revised reprint of a book first published in 1931. In view of this, I imagine that the author is now in the glory and will not be too concerned if comment is made on the title of his book. When the apostle John closed his Gospel, he ventured the thought that the whole world could not contain the books that could be written about the three-and-a-half years of the Lord’s public ministry. Brother Anstey presumes to give advice on how to master the whole Bible in 138 pages – some claim! The present reviewer has known many wellread Bible students who freely admit that the more they have learned in a lifetime of study, the more they realize that they are barely scratching the surface, let alone dare to suggest that they have mastered the Bible.
However, if given a less egotistical title, this brief book has a great deal to commend it, particularly for a believer young in the faith or someone coming to the scriptures with little or no background knowledge. The author sets out, in a very readable style, a clear and concise line of reasoning for the inspiration of scripture, its historical accuracy, and the failure of all academic and scientific discoveries to effectively challenge the plain statements of the word of God.
The chapters which follow give, in outline, a number of different approaches to studying the scriptures. Some will appeal more than others, and Bible study, in the final analysis, is a personal matter. The point is well made that the most important thing for any believer is to consistently read the Bible, with an open mind and an open heart, prayerfully desiring to be taught by the Spirit of God. To quote one servant of God, ‘Everything God wants us to know is in this book’.
Credits: Review by John Scarsbrook - Precious Seed
Paperback, 138 pages.
This is a revised reprint of a book first published in 1931. In view of this, I imagine that the author is now in the glory and will not be too concerned if comment is made on the title of his book. When the apostle John closed his Gospel, he ventured the thought that the whole world could not contain the books that could be written about the three-and-a-half years of the Lord’s public ministry. Brother Anstey presumes to give advice on how to master the whole Bible in 138 pages – some claim! The present reviewer has known many wellread Bible students who freely admit that the more they have learned in a lifetime of study, the more they realize that they are barely scratching the surface, let alone dare to suggest that they have mastered the Bible.
However, if given a less egotistical title, this brief book has a great deal to commend it, particularly for a believer young in the faith or someone coming to the scriptures with little or no background knowledge. The author sets out, in a very readable style, a clear and concise line of reasoning for the inspiration of scripture, its historical accuracy, and the failure of all academic and scientific discoveries to effectively challenge the plain statements of the word of God.
The chapters which follow give, in outline, a number of different approaches to studying the scriptures. Some will appeal more than others, and Bible study, in the final analysis, is a personal matter. The point is well made that the most important thing for any believer is to consistently read the Bible, with an open mind and an open heart, prayerfully desiring to be taught by the Spirit of God. To quote one servant of God, ‘Everything God wants us to know is in this book’.
Credits: Review by John Scarsbrook - Precious Seed
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