Jonah - Scripture Teaching Library Ltd
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Jonah by Frederick A. Tatford
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The prophecy of Jonah contains one of the best-known narratives in the Old Testament. The book is also full of important practical teaching and richly reveals the grace of God and His patience with His failing human servants. But the book is more than just a thrilling story of God's intervention in nature or a tale of failure and recovery. The Lord Jesus spoke of 'Jonah the prophet', and this short book prefigures God's dealings with the Nation of Israel. This commentary misses neither the practical teaching nor the prophetic significance of the book. This new edition makes Tatford's informed and very readable exposition of a neglected portion of Scripture available to a new generation of Bible students.
About the author:

Frederick A. Tatford

(1901–1986) was a prolific author and an able minister of God’s Word, who travelled extensively. He wrote over seventy books, many of them dealing with prophetic subjects.

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