The Epistle to the Romans is of foundational importance for every believer. Its forensic treatment of man's need, God's remedy, and the practical and ethical implications of salvation is vital to an understanding of the wisdom of God, the plight of humanity, and the hope that is found alone in Christ. This introduction to Romans has been written particularly for young Christians and recent converts, as well as for more experienced readers who want to refresh their understanding of Paul's letter. This commentary provides a systematic exposition of the epistle, from the vital themes of God's righteousness, human guilt, faith in Christ, and eternal life in chapters 1-7, to Paul's teaching about the nation of Israel in God's programme of grace in chapters 8-11, and the practical implications of salvation in chapters 12-16. This book will be most helpful for serious Bible students, as well as gospel preachers and Bible Class teachers.
About the author:

John F. Parkinson
resides with his wife Andrea in Ballymena, N. Ireland. They are in fellowship in a local assembly where John shares regularly in teaching and preaching activities. Having retired from secular employment, John is devoting more time to writing and travelling to other countries to help the believers. He has written three other books: The Faith of God's Elect (Gospel Tract Publications, 1999); No Other Doctrine (John Ritchie 2005, 2010); and War in the Gates (John Ritchie, 2012).
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