Looking Through The Shadows - Scripture Teaching Library Ltd
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Looking Through the Shadows by Adam D. Thropay


The Levitical offerings are amongst the most interesting and important subjects of Scripture. The detailed instructions given for the offerings offer us profound lessons about the character of God and the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this original and stimulating study, Adam Thropay brings together his deep knowledge of Scripture and his familiarity with Jewish sources and history to great effect. The book offers a close verse-by-verse and phrase-by-phrase exposition of the first nine chapters of the book of Leviticus. This approach offers a fresh and detailed view of this important subject, full of Christ-glorifying truth.
About the author:

Adam D. Thropay

has been engaged in meticulous Bible study for many years. He has been involved in Bible teaching in assemblies in North America, and is well known for his written ministry, in magazines and in online fora. Adam and his wife, Heather, live in Downey, California and are in fellowship in the local church that gathers to the Lord’s name there.

Book Reviews:

Looking through the Shadows - By Adam D. Thropay

There are numerous volumes written on the Levitical offerings both specifically and in the wider context of the Tabernacle and its functioning, so what is there about this book by Adam Thropay that makes it worthy of consideration?

The answer lies in the origin of the book itself, and, therefore it is important that any prospective reader carefully notes the Preface, Introduction and, in particular, the short section called 'Birth of a Book'.

In these, the writer sets out how through study of the Scriptures, together with use of his sizeable library of Jewish books, he has sought to include an ancient Jewish understanding of the first nine chapters of the Book of Leviticus. His aim is that it will be a valuable study aid to preachers and teachers of the Word.

The book, a product of much diligent research and study, is a verse-by-verse, indeed word-by-word, commentary rather than a broad overview of the subject of the offerings, the garments and consecration of the priests.

In viewing the Levitical offerings there are three aspects to consider; firstly, the actual instructions for an Israelite and what they actually meant for him; secondly, the typical teaching of the offerings in relation to the Person and work of Christ; and finally, the practical lessons we can apply to ourselves as believers. In this volume the writer sets out in accurate detail the first of these aspects in how the offerings address the particular need of the individual, how the offering is to be brought and offered, and what benefit results for the offerer. Interwoven into the explanation of the instructions are the typical and practical aspects, with many cross references to New Testament Scripture supplied in support.

Great attention is given to detail; the description and diagrams in relation to the priest taking his handful of the meal offering and the stones in the breastplate for the high priest, to name just two.

Prominence is given to the subject of worship in the book, though the word itself does not appear in Leviticus or any other passages in the Pentateuch dealing with the Tabernacle and Offerings. A comprehensive and instructive consideration of the subject of worship can be found in another STL volume, Worship – The Christian’s Highest Calling, by Mark Sweetnam.

The book is a great study aid, not only to preachers and teachers, its target readership, but to any serious student of Scripture engaging in the study of the Levitical offerings.

Reviewed by Donald Armstrong
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