The pithy, practical meditations on selected verses from Matthew's Gospel that make up this volume demonstrate clearly the relevance of Scripture - its ability to speak to all the details of our daily lives - the small as well as the large.
Each of these short meditations provides a pointed and practical application of the Word of God.
Each of these short meditations provides a pointed and practical application of the Word of God.
About the author:

Jim MacIntosh
is a former broadcast journalist and mostly-retired technical writer who lives in the small Canadian town of Hampton, New Brunswick. Jim and his wife Judy are in fellowship with the Christians who meet at the Sussex Gospel Hall where they have been active for many years in all the assembly activities and where Jim serves on the assembly oversight. For many years, Jim has been writing daily messages that have appeared on the SussexGospelHall.com website and on Jim's own website, AssemblyLine.ca. More recently, these messages have been distributed to a growing list of recipients by email. It is from the archive of these messages that the material for this book has been drawn.
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