Possessing The Inheritance - Scripture Teaching Library Ltd
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Possessing the Inheritance by Malcolm C. Davis



The message of the Old Testament Book of Joshua is that, for every true believer in Christ, God has prepared a vast spiritual inheritance of blessing, which He invites us to enter into by faith. But, just as the LORD's earthly people Israel needed to depend on Him alone in implicit obedience to His Word, in order to overcome their enemies in the Promised Land before they could possess and enjoy their inheritance, so all believers today need to live their lives in constant obedience to Scripture, if they are to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, and enjoy our own spiritual inheritance in Christ. Possessing The Inheritance traces Israel's progress into their earthly inheritance, outlining many valuable spiritual lessons for Christians today. It points out that the Book of Joshua is the spiritual counterpart of Ephesians, the highest point of New Testament redemptive truth. As such, the reader will find that it has much to teach us about living a victorious life of faith.
About the author:

Malcolm C. Davis

is in fellowship at Harehills Gospel Hall, Leeds. He has written commentaries on Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, and Ezekiel, besides many assembly magazine articles.

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